Why We Can‘t Get Rich On Medium – Money Not Enough

Joachim Guth
2 min readAug 27, 2023

There is a very simple reason for that

Image – photo taken by the author

I am not sure how many paying members Medium meanwhile has accumulated.

But I am sure they all pay $5 US to be eligible for earning by writing their stories.

Nothing wrong with that.

But if all of us writers want to earn $5 back to cover our cost, nothing would be left for covering the cost of running the Medium-platform. So we definitely will be given a bit less, there needs to be a margin to keep our beloved platform alive.

Let us say the marging wil be $2. So $3 will left per month to distribute to each of us story writers. We could not even cover our $5 bill.

Then, let us assume only 1/3 of the members would submit their stories. Whoops, that makes then all of a sudden $9 available for each of the active story writers.

I repeat, $9 per month for each active story writer.

You might tell me off for such kind of simplistic calculation.

Yes, you are right, some may earn more some may earn less, but the overall budget will not change. Some will earn pennies, some might earn over $1000, most might be making way below $100.

For 1 writer, cashing in $1000, roughly 110…



Joachim Guth
Joachim Guth

Written by Joachim Guth

“Where will our Planet Go” is what currently drives my pen and thoughts.

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